Coles Low salt shopping guide

Introduction to the Coles Low Sodium Shopping Guide

Regardless of your preferred supermarket, statistics reveal that Coles holds a strong position as the second-largest grocery retailer in Australia. While Woolworths may offer a more extensive range of low-sodium products in comparison, Coles still provides ample options for those looking to manage their sodium intake. Here is my Coles low salt shopping guide.

Accessing the Coles Low Sodium Shopping Guide

Download the Coles low-sodium shopping guide to your phone and keep it handy for your weekly grocery trips. This resource will save you valuable time in the supermarket aisles. In our fast-paced lives, nobody wants to spend time scrutinizing every item’s nutritional labels for sodium content. By making a few switches to low(er) salt pantry items, you can begin to reduce your overall sodium intake throughout the day.

Explore Further with Low Salt Pantry’s Woolworths Shopping Guide

Be sure to also check out LSP’s Woolworths low salt shopping guide or LSP’s Ultimate low salt shopping guide for additional options.

Happy shopping.




Note 1: Important Disclaimer The contents of this page are not intended to replace professional advice from a medical professional. The shopping guide provided is a compilation of lower sodium items that I found suitable for managing my Meniere’s condition. This guide serves as a suggestion and is not based on any professional or medical opinion. It’s essential to consult with your clinician or dietitian to determine if these products are appropriate for you, especially if you have a medical condition.

Note 2: Potassium Substitution. Some low-sodium items may be substituted with potassium to mimic the ‘salty’ flavor. If a product contains additional potassium, it will be labeled with a (k+) next to the product name.